Demos & Utilities
True BASIC Bronze Edition v6 Demo
Test the newest True BASIC by downloading the v6.007 demo (Windows only, XP thru 10).
True BASIC Bronze Edition v5 Demo
Try Bronze Edition v5.5 free.
World Tour of True BASIC - Supplemental Files
Sample programs and data to accompany John Arscott's new book, "A World Tour of True BASIC for Programming Windows," available here.
Textbooks Supplemental Files
Sample programs to accompany TB textbooks such as "Let's Program It... in True BASIC," or for general exploration.
Fortran to True BASIC Converter
Convert Fortran programs to True BASIC.
DLL Package
Set of DLL files required by some True BASIC programs.
Software Updates
True BASIC v6.007 updater
Automatic updater for users of v6.001-006 - includes updated documentation for changes to the Editor.
FORMS v6.006 update
Automatic updater for users of FORMS v6.001-005.
True BASIC Manuals
True BASIC Bronze Edition Manual
Bronze Edition manual in PDF Format - updated for v6.007.
True BASIC Silver Edition Manual
Silver Edition manual in PDF Format - updated for v6.007.
True BASIC Gold Edition Manual
Gold Edition manual in PDF Format - updated for v6.007.
Other True BASIC Documentation & Reference
Updated CHAIN Function Documentation
This update details the operation of the CHAIN function - replaces earlier documentation.
A listing of True BASIC statements and functions found in ALL editions of the programming language.
Set the Font in the Output Window
This short memo shows how to set the font, and its size and style, in the default output window. Included is a complete program for doing the job. All you have to do is to "select" the program with the mouse, "copy" it, and then "paste" it into your True BASIC editing window.
Change the End Of Lines in Text Files
This memo includes a program that can change the end-of-lines in text files. Especially handy when porting your source code from Windows to the Mac, or vice versa. To use the program, "select" it in the memo with the mouse, "copy" it, and then "paste" into your True BASIC editing window. You will have to do some editing to get rid of folded lines, etc.
True BASIC is the Ideal First Step
Questions and answers as to why True BASIC remains the best first step for anyone who wants to become a skilled programmer. Also contains a list of "10 Reasons Why True BASIC is Your Best Choice". (Thomas E. Kurtz, 7pp, General)
How to switch from using line-numbered BASIC programs and move forward to structured programming. It is much easier than you might imagine. (Thomas E. Kurtz, 5pp, Easy)
Chapter 30 from the True BASIC Reference Manual describing how you can format numbers, floating characters, strings, and multiple fields in True BASIC programs. (Reference)
A picture is still worth pages of descriptions. This clever program links the power of the RND (random) function with an evolving, animated pictorial (a grape vine). The vine is different each time you run the program. Gives you valuable insights on proven graphics and animation techniques. (John R. Arscott, 14pp, Easy)
Object Oriented Programming in True BASIC
Object Oriented Programming (OOP) is a hot topic just now. Learn how you can achieve most of the benefits of OOP through the proper use of True BASIC Modules. Learn how True BASIC compares with other languages, and how it maintains its unique advantages. (Thomas E. Kurtz, 5pp, Easy)
Creating Object Classes in True BASIC
Modules in True BASIC are powerful tools that are overlooked by too many programmers. True BASIC modules provide the encapsulation of data together with the subroutines that use that data. (Thomas E. Kurtz, 8pp, Technical)
Sending Postscript files to a Printer
The True BASIC Gold edition allows you to journal True BASIC graphics to a Postscript file for high-quality otuput. This article tells you about freely-available and useful tools that can help you work with these files. (Christopher L. Sweeney, 3pp, Technical)
Converting MS BASIC Random files
MS Basic and True BASIC take different approaches in accessing random access files. This article explains the differences and the steps to successful file conversion. (Thomas E. Kurtz, 6pp, Technical)
Creating TrueApps and Using the WebBASIC Reader
This note shows how to create downloadable compiled programs that can then be automatically executed by the WebBASIC Reader. Preparation includes downloading the Reader, and preparing the browser to match the program with the Reader. (4pp, Technical)
Instructions on the steps used to BIND programs using the MacOS Standard Edition [#07-MAC] of True BASIC.
While True BASIC has few undocumented features, here are a few items that are useful "shortcut" to help you as you develop your programs. (Christopher L. Sweeney, 3pp, Expert)